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Landing Page Design

What is a Landing Page?

We at Vertster have extensive experience with landing pages, so you’ve come to the right place for information. Scroll down this page for some useful information on landing pages, including helpful websites, white papers, videos and other resources. Whatever landing page project you may be working on, just remember that Vertster can help your landing page generate more sales, make your offers more effective and maximize your marketing ROI.

There seems to be a lot of talk these days about landing pages. If you are new to the concept, you are probably wondering what the heck they are, and what makes them different from any other page on your site. So let’s start from the start.

Pure Definition:

The pure definition of a landing page is just what it sounds like: it’s the page your website visitors arrive at after clicking on a link. It could be your home page, or any other page in your site.

If you have decided to build your own landing page I suggest you start by viewing short video.

What a Landing Page should be:

The best use of a landing page is not what it is, but what it can do. Your landing pages should provide a customized sales pitch for the visitor. The best way to do this is to consider where the person has come from, and who they are. By providing a good match, your chances of engaging the visitor go up, as should your conversion rate.

Well crafted landing pages almost always sport better conversion rates than simply dumping people into the home page of your site. It makes sense. When you drop people into the homepage of your site, it’s akin to asking them to fend for themselves. They arrive and spend a couple seconds before giving up and hitting their back button to move on to you competitor.

Give the same visitors exactly what they were looking for and you will have a captive audience. Be careful not to provide too many distractions in the form of links, or you are likely to lose them before they read your entire message.

When to use a Landing Page:

You should create targeted landing pages anytime you can control where people will be coming from, and your goal is a specific transaction such as sales, registrations, sign-ups, etc. This is particularly true if you are paying for the traffic, with banner ads, sponsor links, or pay-per-click.

Click to view great video fro EzineArticles.com entitled “8 Tips For Optimizing Your Landing Page.” It’s brief but will give you some great tips that you can implement today as you design your landing page.

We’d like to offer one more tip for optimizing your landing page: once you’ve designed your landing page, sign up for our FREE TRIAL or contact us to schedule a demo. You have gone through a lot of hard work to build your landing pages now use our conversion rate optimization solution to determine which landing page treatment works the best for your customers. It’s the only way for you to make the most of your landing pages.

Remember: Always Be Testing!